Monday, June 17, 2019

Snorkeling Holiday in Raja Ampat

I often organize snorkeling tour for visitors who want to visit and spend their holiday time in Raja Ampat islands of Indonesia. As the epicenter of marine biodiversity in the world, the coral reef of Raja Ampat islands are the natural habitat of a lot of species of fish from the small ones like anemonefish and blenny to bigger ones like parrotfish,  wobbegong, humphead wrasse, giant trevally, and dolphins.
Coral Reef in the waters of Raflow Resort
Table Corals in the front waters of Raflow Resort
Marine Life in the house reef of RAFLOW Resort
There is a nice beach resort which tourists can choose to stay. Its name is Raja Ampat Flow (RAFLOW) Resort. It is located in southern region of Waigeo island. The beach resort has got 15 bungalows to accommodate guests to sleep comfortably.
The house reef of RAFLOW Resort is in very good condition. Visitors can enjoy snorkeling to see butterflyfish, moorish idol, spinecheek anemonefish,  grouper, and a lot more.
There are also other marine creatures which visitors can see such as burrowing clams, sea stars, and a lot of species of hard and soft corals.
Please, book your snorkeling holiday in Raja Ampat by contacting me via email to: or by whatsapp to: +6281332245180.

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